The Last Stand

by Edward Dunn

107 Minutes
Director: Jee-woon Kim
Writers: Andrew Knauer,  Jeffrey Nachmanoff, George Nolfi
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Forest Whitaker, Johnny Knoxville

Arnold Schwarzenegger-Ray Owens
Forest Whitaker-Agent John Bannister
Eduardo Noriega-Gabriel Cortez
Rainier Wolfecastle-Dect. John Kimble

Last Action Hero?

It has always been tough, ignoring his Austrian accent, and pretending Arnold Schwarzenegger is a regular guy. But I guess, in part, that's what made his movies so entertaining.

The first half of this movie is excellent. From there...well, I wouldn't say things got boring, but eventually, I did lose interest in what was going on.

The basic blueprint of the story: 'Gabriel Cortez', a wealthy drug smuggler, is trying to escape federal custody. This guy is pure evil; you know he's bad, because Spanish is his first language.

As a former Mr Universe, he can carry a lot of things on his shoulders, but this movie wasn't one of them. He's not Stallone or Willis, Arnold just doesn't have enough personality to carry a whole movie. He's good in sci-fi-action-comedies, but where he really shines, is in movies featuring Sinbad, or Phil Hartman.

Forrest Whitaker, star of BATTLEFIELD EARTH. known in Hollywood circles as the only normal scientologist, has a large role in this film. He plays the head of the FBI. Oh, and another thing, try not to stare at his lazy eye.

Can Johnny Knoxville play a different character already? Look at the movie poster. He's wearing aviator goggles, that's crazy, he's not flying planes. His character, he's completely out of touch with reality.

THE LAST STAND has a simple plot, gratuitous violence, one-dimensional characters, and writing that was probably done by a DeVry graduate.Walking in, I knew this wasn't going to win any Oscars.  I wanted a fun movie, and I wanted to see some people get blown up. Yeah, people were shot, but no one was really blown up, and that's no fun.

Running the great state of California and that divorce, all of it, it sucked all of his vitality, and he's never really been that interesting.  This this reanimated corspe-of man, memorized his lines well enough. Sure, there were some okay one-liners, but overall, I'm disappointed with the lack of unintentional humor. Honestly, I'd expect more from one of the founders of 'Planet Hollywood'.

'Hasta la vista, baby.'

Final Verdict 60 out of 100