Rockin' Nut Road Snickers and Tim McGraw's Spicy Jalapeno Fritos

by Edward Dunn

There are three possible ratings subpar, par, and über par.

Rockin' Nut Road Snickers- Repugnant would be an understatement. This candy bar is nothing short of atrocious. I feel like the Mars Corporation has personally assaulted me with this cornucopia of complete crap. After eating this, the only thing rocky I experienced was the road to recovery.
Rating: Subpar

Tim McGraw's Spicy Jalapeno Fritos- These are pretty much what you would expect. They are better than regular fritos. Not as good as Chili Cheese Fritos. The gold standard for chips is Salsa Verde Doritos. Needless to say, these fall short of that gold standard.
Rating: Par