Necessary Roughness (Retro)

by Edward Dunn

108 Minutes
Director: Stan Dragoti.
Writers: Rick Natkin, David Fuller

Scott Bakula...Paul Blake Hector Elizondo...Ed Gennero Robert Loggia...Coach Wally Rig Larry Miller...Dean Phillip Elias Sinbad...Professor Andre Krimm


Less preposterous than MAJOR LEAGUE III: BACK TO THE MINORS, where Scott Bakula played a baseball player in his 40s; NECESSARY ROUGHNESS is about a 34-year old who gets to play a college quarterback. All because of a technicality. I think it's the same technicality that allows angels and golden retrievers to play competitive football.

Texas State University has a shortage of eligible players. So all the Armadillo players have to play offense and defense.


The cast of 90210 were all pretty old, but  there was only one actor in their 30s, Andrea, and she wasn't around very often either (I know, technically, she was only 29 when the show started...freshman year). But in this movie, just when you came to terms with the 34-year-old quarterback. We are asked to suspend disbelief once again.  Sinbad shows up, he's a chemistry professor, working on a PHD, yet he has enough stamina to play offensive, and defensive football.


Kathy Ireland is the greatest actor...ever. Yeah, she's a girl, and a field goal kicker...get used to it.

Larry Miller plays the classic college dean as only he can play. Like he did in those NUTTY PROFESSOR films. This dean is always menacingly, watching the football team. That asshole thinks academics are more important than sports. Don't worry though, he gets his. Right before the credits roll, a gun was pointed at his head (that's not a joke).

Rob Schneider made a cameo. Well, it was more like several cameos. But things are not as bad as they seem. I can deal with a pre-DEUCE BIGALOW Rob Schneider. Because he never attempts to make any jokes, from what I can tell anyway.


In this role, Scott Bakula looks more ridiculous than Payton Manning in a Papa John's commercial. With his jersey tucked into his jeans. Nonetheless, this movie has its moments, but not too many. I think it was because Scott Bakula starred in QUANTUM LEAP, while this film was getting made.


Football movies are either good or very bad. For every FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, or VARSITY BLUES, you have terrible counterparts. Like THE REPLACEMENTS, or WILDCATS. But NECESSARY ROUGHNESS performs a rare feat, and manages to keep things at the 50-yard line, being neither good, nor bad, nor memorable.

Final Verdict: 50 out of 100

Sinbad: It’s Just Family

by Edward Dunn

Sinbad: It’s Just Family Sinbad: It’s Just Family, just ended it inaugural season: a full six episodes. A reality show, which follows him and his family around. Most of the content was boring; each episode had about five minutes of hilarity. I condensed the material worth watching. This is a historical moment; no one has ever put this much effort into anything Sinbad related. He is trying to be the next ‘Cliff Huxtable’. I suppose it makes a little sense, considering the TV shows he has done. A Different World (1987-93) (Spinoff of The Cosby Show) Walter Oakes: graduate student, football/baseball/basketball/track coach, dorm director of all-male residence hall, involved in serious relationship with Jaleesa, co-dorm director of Gilbert Hall, engaged to Jaleesa, couple halts wedding at the altar and mutually separates, moves to Philadelphia to manage community center. (Taken from Wikipedia) Cosby (1996-2000) Del: single father of an 11-year-old girl. Not much else to the character. He found it challenging, raising a kid on his own. (3 episodes, 1998-1999) (Taken From Personal Recollection) But I digress, Sinbad is a different man now. He no longer appears in movies or TV shows (shows in the plural sense). Right now, Sinbad is just a ‘comedian’.
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Part 1 of E. Dunn Presents…

by Edward Dunn

Part 1 of E. Dunn Presents: Staples of the 90s Sinbad It’s Just Family It is a reality show. Currently airing on WETV. Tuesdays at 10 pm. I know what your thinking. It’s 2011, the 90s are over. Yes, this show takes place in the present. That is correct. However, the show’s creator, is eternally stuck in 90s at least mentally. I’m just paying homage to one of the greatest comedians of all time. I am catching up on episodes right now. More on this topic, in the not too distant future.
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