Phil Spector (Mini-Review)

by Edward Dunn

Director: David Memet
Writer: David Memet
Al Pacino, Helen Mirren, Jeffery Tambor

Al Pacino...Phil Spector
Helen Mirren... Linda Kenney Baden
Jeffrey Tambourine...Bruce Cutler

'Overdue book? This is the biggest frame-up since OJ! Wait a minute, blood in the Bronco, the cuts on the hands, those Jay Leno monologues. Oh my god he did it! '
-Homer Simpson THE SIMPSONS,

Is a genius ever responsible for his or her supposed crimes?
Absolutely not.
Look at Einstein, without his discoveries, atomic bombs wouldn't have dropped on Hiroshima. That man is a monster.

Say Hello To My Little Friend

Like a rapper on trial. The only thing Phil Spector is guilty of is being a thug. The merits of the case are never called into question, because his music is on trial.


Al Pacino was in both the GODFATHER and GILI. This man has an enormous range. He's capable of perfection and utter failure as well.

Physically, Al Pacino has an uncanny resemblance to Phil. He even got all the mannerisms down. The only problem is Al Pacino always sounds like Al Pacino.

The scene where Spector pointed a loaded gun at Leonard Cohen in a recording session. This is glossed over, even though it was completely relevant to the trial.

This movie isn't bad, but the story is incomplete. It could use some bad reenactments, like the ones you would see on AMERICA'S MOST WANTED. You'd also need John Walsh's voice to go along with these reenactments.

I like where they ended the movie. To pay homage to Hendrix. Spector walks into the courtroom with an afro wig. I think it's how Jimi would have wanted it, leaving this world in style.

Final Verdict: 50 out of 100

Stand Up Guys

by Edward Dunn

95 Minutes
Director: Fisher Stevens
Writer: Noah Haidle
Al Pacino, Alan Arkin, Christopher Walken

Al Pacino--Val
Christopher Walken--Doc
Alan Arkin--Hirsch

I love Al Pacino and Christopher Walken. I thought I could watch these guys in anything; even if all they did was shovel cow manure for 95 minutes. But boy was I wrong, there is no excuse for spoon-feeding us this kind of bullshit.

Walken and Pacino play short-tempered criminals, on the verge of retirement. Criminals? Whoa, hold on a second, let me get a drink of water; I'm feeling a little light-headed from this shocking revelation. Look, I'm not saying these guys play ridiculous caricatures of themselves. No, wait, that's exactly what I'm trying to say.

After serving 28 years, Doc gets released from prison. He meets with Val for dinner, and they laugh and reminisce about the old days. Val and Doc: two best friends. One of them has to kill the other. A scenario like George and Lenny, in OF MICE AND MEN, except neither of these men are mentally challenged, in the traditional sense. Plus, the conclusion is a bit different.

Alan Arkin plays Hirsch, an old criminal, on his deathbed. Hirsch takes Val and Doc out on a joyride. Through some impressive maneuvering, and dazzling stuntsmanship. He manages to evade an entire police department, in only a few minutes.  Later on, we see Hirsch exhaling his last breath, in the back seat of the same car. Hmmmm, interesting, Hirsch driving a hearse.

You can't make a 95-minute assassin's tale,  without cutting a few corners. Like characters: if you use actors people are already familiar with, then there's no complicated back story. In a pinch, you can always get John Wayne to play a cowboy, or Jesse Eisenberg to play an awkward guy.

You can't pigeonhole this as a comedy, action, or dramatic piece. Because it's none of these. More than anything, this is an incomplete film.  I did like specific segments of the movie though.  Like when the 'bad guys' beat up the 'even worse' guys. But really, I think the best part was those new tracks by Bon Jovi. I wish I were joking, but at least he didn't ruin something that was good.

After watching STAND UP GUYS, One thing is clear, the actors in this movie are not 'Stand Up' guys. I'd say pardon the pun, but I'd be lying; I could never apologize for such clever wordplay.

Final Verdict: 45 out of 100